AI Tools for Colorectal Cancer |
GI Genius – AI Driven Colorectal Cancer Detector |
Rush Health System in Chicago has outfitted all its endoscopy suites with GI Genius, a device that detects suspected adenomas during a colonoscopy and brings them to the attention of a gastroenterologist for further evaluation and possible removal. GI Genius helps in three areas: finding very small adenomas, differentiating suspicious growths from harmless ones, and improving detection of multiple adenomas during an exam. The goal in using GI Genius is to increase consistency without increasing false positives. Rush has been using GI Genius since spring 2022 and is gathering data on effectiveness. It’s too early to gauge the impact on cancers averted and lives saved, but research shows that each one percent increase in an endoscopist’s adenoma detection rate was associated with a three percent decrease in the risk of patients developing a fatal colorectal cancer before their next screening. |
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