AI for Heart Disease Diagnosis


Caption Guidance, AI-based portable EKG devices to detect Heart Disease


Doctors are turning to AI to help them with tests that help diagnose heart conditions. An echocardiogram is an ultrasound test widely used to detect heart disease. Caption Guidance is a type of AI-assisted software that creates high-quality ultrasound images of your heart. The software is especially useful for medical professionals who may not be experts in echocardiograms. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., claiming about 647,000 lives each year.

The EKG test checks your heart’s electrical system. AI-based EKGs can detect problems such as irregular heart rhythms, including atrial fibrillation (AFib), even before symptoms are noticeable. AFib increases the risk of stroke, heart failure, and other heart problems. There are also AI-based portable EKG devices for at-home use, and you can even use an EKG program on your cellphone to analyze your heart rhythm. But many things affect how accurate these programs are, so they can’t be used to diagnose any condition.


AI could predict heart attack risk up to 10 years into the future


Researchers at the University of Oxford have studied how AI might improve the accuracy of cardiac CT scans, which help detect artery blockages or small narrowings that can lead to heart attacks.

While CT scans often struggle to pick up these issues, AI is more thorough in its analysis, resulting in more accurate diagnosis and treatment plans, UK newspaper The Guardian reports.

The study found that the technology was able to improve treatment for up to 45% of patients, with the potential to save the lives of thousands of people.


Arterys Cardio AIMR


It not only uses AI and deep learning, but allows cloud computing to step into the mix to automate the analysis of cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) images. The solution allows for tedious manual tasks to be avoided, effectively managing workflow and quickly and easily identifying and determining treatment for track heart problems.





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