AI for Diagnosis of Mental Health |
The company is a provider of AI-based platforms to diagnose nervous system disorders. It uses machine learning technology to help identify the defects in the neural signals, which is causing various chronic illnesses. Hypertension, blood pressure, and more can be treated and help practitioners optimize the reasons for the neurological disorders. Also, plan the diagnosis for better treatment outcomes. BIOS has developed a programming language for the nervous system that can be used for discovering insights into human diseases, thus leading to new treatments. Real-time insights and precision targeting provide software-delivered therapies.
Ellipsis to help spot the deterioration of a patient’s mental health |
Another tool called Ellipsis is being trialled by some therapists to help spot the deterioration of a patient’s mental health by identifying changes in their voice. |
Woebot |
Woebot is an AI-powered mental health app that uses cognitive behavioral therapy tools to support teen and adult users in finding their inner peace. The chat-algorithm obviously doesn’t substitute a trained psychologist or psychiatrist, however, many users reported that the app helped them take the first step. They often reflected on the positive aspects of using their phones as mental help: you don’t have to leave your apartment and there is no stigma attached to the “sessions”. A study found that the app was able to effectively engage people with depression in empathetic conversations and assist in the treatment of their symptoms. https://woebothealth.com/ |
Wysa Chatbots for mental health |
Now, AI chatbots are also being used to support people’s mental health. One tool, called Wysa, can listen to its users and respond using evidence-based techniques to help them feel better and build mental resilience. Mental health app Wysa – an AI-powered chatbot and series of self-care exercises which will provide mental health support, helping people manage their mental health. Patients will be given access to the app during the referral process for mental health services, to explore whether the app can ease symptoms of anxiety and depression before patients receive assessment and treatment |
Comments: |
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /usr/home/neoworldmark/domains/ai4healthcare.uk/public_html/php_guestbook/PHP-AJAX-Comment-System/db_connection.php:143 Stack trace: #0 /usr/home/neoworldmark/domains/ai4healthcare.uk/public_html/php_guestbook/PHP-AJAX-Comment-System/db_connection.php(143): mysqli->__construct('', 'root', 'fg34trhfget4r', 'guestbook') #1 /usr/home/neoworldmark/domains/ai4healthcare.uk/public_html/php_guestbook/PHP-AJAX-Comment-System/addComment.php(5): include('/usr/home/neowo...') #2 /usr/home/neoworldmark/domains/ai4healthcare.uk/public_html/aiagainstdiseases/diseases/MentalHealth.php(225): include('/usr/home/neowo...') #3 {main} thrown in /usr/home/neoworldmark/domains/ai4healthcare.uk/public_html/php_guestbook/PHP-AJAX-Comment-System/db_connection.php on line 143 |