AI for Diagnosis of Wrist Fractures |
OsteoDetect: AI-based software to identify Wrist Fractures |
AI-based OsteoDetect software can help identify a fracture and its location on the X-ray image. Imagen OsteoDetect – Wrist fracture detection in adult patients The OsteoDetect software is an AI based detection/diagnostic software that utilises intelligent algorithms that analyze two-dimensional X-rays. The software searches for damage in the bone, specifically a common wrist fracture called the distal radius fracture. The software utilises the machine learning techniques to identify these problem areas and mark the location of the fracture on the image, assisting the physician with identification of a break. OsteoDetect is designed for use in a variety of different situations including primary care, emergency medicine, urgent care and specialty care, such as orthopedics. Although the software is not intended to replace a clinician’s review and independent thoughts and judgement of a radiograph, it is designed to assist. |
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